Curation Information

LacR mutations are frequently observed in Streptococcus intermedius and are responsible for increased intermedilysin production and virulence.;Tomoyasu T, Imaki H, Masuda S, Okamoto A, Kim H, Waite RD, Whiley RA, Kikuchi K, Hiramatsu K, Tabata A, Nagamune H;Infection and immunity 2013 Sep; 81(9):3276-86 [23798532]
LacR [T1ZD52, view regulon]
Reported TF sp.
Streptococcus intermedius PC574
Reported site sp.
Streptococcus intermedius PC574
Created by
Dinara Sagitova
Curation notes

Experimental Process

By measuring the hemolytic activities of the lacR mutant and wild-type cells, the authors identified that lacR mutant cells secreted higher levels of ILY than the wild-type cells. This result was further confirmed by immunoblotting using anti-ILY antibody. qRT-PCR showed that ily expression in lacR mutant cells was 80.7-fold higher than in the wild-type cells. Complementation with lacR restored the expression level to that in the wild type. Biotinylated pulldown assays using whole-cell extracts from S. intermedius PC574 showed that LacR from the whole-cell extracts coprecipitated with PlacD, PlacA, and Pily but did not coprecipitate with the nonspecific DNA probe. The authors report that lacA and lacD promoters contain sequences very similar to the LacR consensus, TGTTTNWTTT(where N is any base and W is A or T), whereas the ily promoter does not have any homology to the LacR recognition element.

Transcription Factor Binding Sites


Gene Regulation

Regulated genes for each binding site are displayed below. Gene regulation diagrams show binding sites, positively-regulated genes, negatively-regulated genes, both positively and negatively regulated genes, genes with unspecified type of regulation. For each indvidual site, experimental techniques used to determine the site are also given.

Site sequence Regulated genes Gene diagram Experimental techniques TF function TF type
... ... lacR lacD
Experimental technique details DNA affinity purification (ECO:0005629) - Experimental technique details Multiple sequence alignment (MSA) (ECO:0005556) - Experimental technique details Visual sequence inspection (nan) - not specified not specified
... ... SCIM_1148 SCIM_1147 SCIM_1146 lacC SCIM_1144 SCIM_1149 lacB
Experimental technique details DNA affinity purification (ECO:0005629) - Experimental technique details Multiple sequence alignment (MSA) (ECO:0005556) - Experimental technique details Visual sequence inspection (nan) - not specified not specified